We are all
aware of the issues that have been faced in Australia over the past year and
the effect that it is going to have on insurance premiums. Price rises are
driven by the number and cost of claims across the whole industry, Owners
Corporation policies unfortunately will not be spared in this and it is
expected that most costs will rise, some quite significantly.
Having said that,
we are told it is not all doom and gloom. Australian insurers are amongst the
best managed and leaders in Strata/owners Corporation insurances. This will
assist in keeping costs for residential apartment owners, though rising, at a
competitive level and favourably in line a typical household policy cost.
Owners Corporation insurance does also cover many aspects above those provided
in household policies due to the added infrastructure, services provided in
these type of complexes and added policy benefits. Our aim is to make sure you
are getting good value for money coverage for the balance needs of your
Peter Davies, Manager - Owners Corporations
D: 03 9695 7718
E: peterd@dixonkestles.com.au